Print Services

30 MIL Frosted Plastic Business Cards


  • Description
  • Overview
  • Typesetting / Design
  • The 30mil plastic card is a thicker plastic card. It is essentially the same as a credit card in terms of size and thickness. There are many functional ways to use this type of card, from marketing purposes to identification. Our plastic card printing is high quality, vibrant and full of choices. If a strong, water and tear-proof card is that you are looking for, then our plastic cards are your answer.

  • 30mil Plastic Cards are:

    • Gloss UV
    • Full Color, Full Bleed
    • Optional Printing on BOTH SIDES
    • PVC Plastic
    • Rounded Corner Standard
    • Tear and Water Proof
    • Attractive
    • Affordable

    Document Trim Size

    3.375" x 2.125"
    85mm x 54mm
    1010 x 638 pixels @300ppi

  • Typesetting: If you have an existing card, but don't have the ability to update the text in-house our talented desktop publishing team will be able to update most artwork without issue.

    Design: Need a custom design? Great! Our graphic design professionals will be able to assist with creating an unique look to represent you and your business.