Our business cards are printed on 14PT or 16PT card stock which is thicker than what your traditional printer will use.
Example: Traditional printers will use 70LB or 100LB card stock which is 0.007" and 0.01" in thickness. Cutting Edge Business Card's standard stock is 14PT (0.014" - 100% thicker than 70LB) and 16PT (0.016" - 60% thicker than 100LB).
Does it Matter? Yes. Think of your card as you would a handshake. Have a strong handshake and be remembered.
Color: All colors should be converted to CYMK process. If you send us an RGB file, there is a chance that a color shift may occur and you may not be satisfied with your job.
File Types: We recommend saving as a .PDF. You may also send the file in the following types: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, eps, and png. We prefer that you send .PDF with embedded or outlined fonts.
.PDF's are easier to handle and will likely speed up your turn-around.
File Size: Supplied file size should not contain crop marks and if the finished card contains bleeds it should be supplied with 3.75" width by 2.25" in height.
File Resolution: We only accept 300 dpi files and no less.
Rotation: Print Ready files with proper rotation should be HEAD to HEAD. Files submitted are printed HEAD to HEAD as-is based off your files.
Ink Cracks on Edges: Cracking of the edges of a business card sometimes occurs when the card contains high values of ink, as in dark colors. This usually happens on a small amount of cards in the run. To prevent
this, use lighter colors or if you must use dark colors, use as little
ink as possible.
Standard Rounded Corners: We offer 1/4" and 1/8" radius round corners to all of our customers.
When creating a Spot UV job, You must include a Spot UV template file
along with the regular full color file. The Spot UV template file is
used to show where the UV will be placed.
Typesetting: If you have an existing card, but don't have the ability to update the text in-house our talented desktop publishing team will be able to update most artwork without issue.
Design: Need a custom design? Great! Our graphic design professionals will be able to assist with creating an unique look to represent you and your business.
Production Time: Print Production is 5 - 7 Business Days*
*Stated production time is just an estimate. Additional options added to product may extend this time.